Welcome to the Nut House!
Avanti’s high-impact images combine compelling characters with witty copy to capture the imagination and tickle the funny bone. Our storytelling is driven by life’s everyday moments… but with an Avanti twist!
For more than three decades, Avanti has found thousands of ways to tell funny stories in pictures and words. Our team of storytellers create content from the ground up with the unique Avanti recipe for humor… a uniquely collaborative fun-making that we take very, very seriously.
We go nuts to make you smile. Our stories translate across all borders, from London to Tokyo, New York to Buford, and from Moscow to Sydney, winning the hearts of fans, new and old, all around the world.
- Over 825 million images sold
- Over 250 million belly laughs
- Over 100 million refrigerator postings
- Over 750,000 undergarments soiled
- Over 135,000 friends on Facebook
- Over 2 billion smiles!